Thursday, January 24, 2013

Celebration X's 3

Lord, by your grace, I participated in the 57th Presidential Inauguration.  As a Law Enforcement Officer, it was cold, brutal and exhausting.  Working 16+ hours just isn't normal.  My feet were frozen and my body ached and I was so dehydrated.  I couldn't layer enough clothing to fight the wind and chill.  My finger tips were numb and I was quietly complaining on the inside.  Not good for someone in my position.

But then again, I am in the flesh and as long as I am...I will have a tendency to do that.  However, at the end of the night, after reflecting back and after thawing out...I have to admit that it was truly an amazing event.  The crowds, the unity, the parade, the soldiers, the excitement and the enormous amount of planning that went into making it another "great day" in History.  Not only was he elected for a second term, it was a celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s' Birthday.

We have to set aside our differences and rejoice as a human race.  We are ALL the same in that regard.  We are so much more alike than we are different.  And whether we "like" or "dislike" our leaders, your word tells us to pray for them.

If all would join in prayer and love our neighbor, just maybe...CRIME would begin to slowly decline and good will override evil.

One can only hope....

BTW:  It was my last Inauguaration.  This fall I will joyfully celebrate 23 years of MPDC.  And by your grace, I will be eligible to retire in "2015."  YAY!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Great is THY Faithfulness

My Lord,

You gave me the most amazing and unexpected gift this year.  YOU are faithful beyond words.  You know the cares, concerns and needs of your children. 

It's so very true...when we delight in you...YOU give us the desires of our hearts.  Even ones we didn't know we wanted.

I lift your name on HIGH for all to see.

Let my light continue to shine in the work place and please Father, continue to cover us (my brothers and sisters in blue) in your grace and mercy as we battle against the evil forces of this world.

In Jesus' precious name.  Amen.