Sunday, June 9, 2013

Who's Counting?

Happy Butterfly Day!

Only 893 glorious days until my retirement and then I get to Migrate with the Monarchs. 


But then again...if He has different plans for me...I wholeheartedly submit to them.

Have a safe summer everyone!

Please....lets find some fun and interesting things for our YOUTH to do.  It DOES take a village.  We are ALL in this together...or at least we should be.

A white butterfly just fluttered by my window...something new is in the making :-)



A Lady's Life said...

The book looks beautiful Butterfly!
Nice to have retirement to look forward to.
Have a great week end.!!

A Lady's Life said...

Your poem is very nice butterfly

A Lady's Life said...

I see many butterflies in my back yard this year but then even the dog likes to smell the oregano and the mint and chives and thyme and basil.
It goes there and whiffs up lol I never use them, forget, but love the thought of having them lol

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hi My Beautiful friend...I have so many things "dancing around" in my head....

I often forget about this blog.

Probably has something to do with my lack of memory and continual to-do list. Lol

I love you and your faithfulness to my blogs.

All my love!

I'm still waiting on the Monarch. I've only seen her once this summer and I'm not 100% sure it was her :-)