Monday, October 6, 2014

Seasons Of Life

Many of my coworkers have retired and many are in the process of retiring. Lord willing, I will be joining them very soon.

I miss Debra, Manning, Elliot, Riddle, Donnie, John, Marcia, Chris, Dennis, Garry, Robbie, Lisa G., Lisa A., Monica, Norma, Bill, JT, and many others.

I will miss Sabrina when she leaves.

Many have been promoted and or transferred: I miss Kim, Smitty, George, Chanel, James, Julius, and many, many others.

Life is all about seasons. Nothing is permanent and nothing remains the same. I'm so grateful that with each passing day, we become closer to who we were meant to be.

Look at your life and look closely at the career you have chosen or are about to choose. What season are you in and how will others benefit from your presence and contribution?

Life is not about you or I. It is about being kind to others, loving and forgiving one another as Christ has forgiven us.

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