Friday, November 14, 2008

Good news, I think....

District of Columbia City Council has finally approved our "20" year retirement plan. That's good news for me, I think. In two years I can leave this career and do something I love! What, I don't know.

Oh, I forgot about my mortgage payments and the fact that I owe more than my home is worth. Also the fact that I haven't really planned for retirement because I was busy trying to "live" and my 401-K is laughing hysterically. And lastly, my savings account is just enough to cover me for a rainy day..... and according to statistics, it's scheduled to rain in April if not sooner (smile)

Well my dad says that once you hit the 2o year mark, you have a different attitude and it's all a peice of cake after that. So I guess knowing that I can leave in two years as oppose to seven should be enough to inspire me to save more and start dreaming about who I want to be when I grow up!


Parkay said...

Sounds good. I can't retire until I have years and age totaling 85. So that means, I've been with the Government for 22 years, I am 53. If you do the math I have to work another 10 years to get full retirement. I wanted to retire at 55. But at least I'm working, able to work and make it to work. Keep everything in prayer sweetie pie. PEACE!

Shanita Waters said...

That's nice. I wish I coud retire in 2 years. It must be exciting becasue you are still really young and the sky is the limit. Be blessed. I don't even want to think about how long it'll be before I can retire....