Monday, October 11, 2010

GOD answers prayers...

I can surely testify to this. In HIS own time and in HIS own way, He hears your prayers and He answers them. I've been praying about a lot of things in the work place and He has revealed some truly amazing things to me.

There was a point in my past when I truly want to quit; totally give up and give in. He would not allow it. He had and still has a purpose for me in the work place and I'm trying daily to walk in His path and listen for His direction. It is not an easy assignment, but I have given Him my word that I would follow His lead. I am not perfect and I do not consider myself to be a person with all the answers, I'm just a believer in His word and trying my best to obey.

Life is very challenging and it can sometimes become overwhelming, "if" we allow SATAN to have control. I don't know about you, but SATAN is not the BOSS OF ME!

Love for a great day!
Sgt. Free Spirit Butterfly.


A Lady's Life said...

I have always thought so.
As long as you have his angels sitting on your shoulder, they will protect you from harm and evil.

I always take St Nicholas with me in my wallet and he's kept me safe on the road all these years.
Evil seems to somehow by pass you.

So press on and believe Butterfly.:)

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Hey there My Lady. That's one of my favorite words, believe!

I'm starting a small prayer ministry and the title is called "Believe in His Promises."

Love you and thanks for visiting.