Saturday, September 27, 2008

Job security...

I'm a compassionate person, that's how God made me. So it saddens me to hear on CCN that at least 84-85,000 people lost their jobs in August. I heard it before, but it really went over my head until last night. While waiting anxiously for the debate, I was giving the TV my undivided attention. My heart goes out to the individuals and their families.... I immediately thought, I've really got to cut back. In my head I started thinking (pb&j, tuna sandwiches, cereal (no problem, I'm the queen of cereal) and other inexpensive meals I would start preparing to save $$$$.

Then that little voice in my head reminded me of what I do for a living. (Sometimes I swear I'm a writer and just play a police officer on TV). Anyway, the voice was saying as long as there are Sexual Predators, Burglaries, Carjacking, Shootings, Violent Assaults, Homicides, Traffic fatalities, Bank Robberies and other senseless crimes against our society, getting laid off is the least of my worries. If anything, my cash flow will increase because the average citizen is in a financial crisis and sooner or later, they may resort to drastic measures. Which will lead to overtime for Law Enforcement, which leads to indefinite job security for me and I don't know if that's a good thing or not...


SLC said...

My spirit dipped a little at the beginning of this post when I saw the numbers (85,000), but at the end when I saw your heart speak about the cost of your increased job security I was boosted. Afterwards I was reminded of how much you minister. As crime increases; which we hate, so will opportunities to minister to people like that young man from last week; which we love. All this will be strengthened by your new Sunday evening 6:00PM Word and Worship Fest. On that note, you know I gotta end with with a word; actually 2 from the same chapter.

the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18, and we know that to the ones loving God all things work together for good, to the ones being called according to [His] purpose. Romans 8:28 ALT

Thanks as always


A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

I love the spirt of a Man and his willingness to express it openly. Thanks for the encouragement and support in my Sunday Praise. I'm open to whatever God wants me to do in this line of work and in this new age of Blogging (smile)

Have a great Sunday and GO DALLAS!